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Connection Timeout or No Response from File ​

Problem Description: Users using proxies or located in mainland China may encounter connection timeout errors.


  1. Check Network Proxy Configuration:

    • Use command terminal to test if (or other API Base URL) can be pinged.
      • Command example: ping
      • Note: Being able to access the website via a browser doesn't necessarily mean the command terminal can, you may need to set the proxy for the terminal separately.
    • Set environment variable HTTPS_PROXY:
      • Example: (If using clash proxy, the default port is 7890).
      • For clash users, make sure the TUN feature is enabled.
  2. Perform the Following Operations:

    • Confirm the proxy configuration is correct, and restart the proxy tool if necessary.
    • Try changing the proxy or check the network connection.
    • Use an API Base URL that can be accessed properly.

For more details, see GitHub Issue #17.

Exceeding AI Model Context Limit ​

Problem Description: The AI model has a character limit for context, exceeding it may cause processing failures.


  1. Process Partial Text:

    • Most features allow users to select part of the text, then right-click to call the AI function, thus reducing the number of characters.
  2. Process in Batches:

    • Split the text into smaller segments and process them separately.
  3. Switch Model:

    • Use an AI model that supports a larger context.

Unable to Use Configured Third-Party API Base URL ​

Problem Description: After configuring a third-party API Base URL, the AI functionality cannot be used properly.


  1. Check the API Base URL:

    • Verify that the configured API Base URL is correct.
    • The default API Base URL is
    • Try adding or removing /v1 in the URL to ensure correct configuration.
  2. Confirm API Compliance with OpenAI Interface Specification:

    • Ask the provider if their API complies with OpenAI's interface specification.
  3. Check if API Base URL and AI model support function_call feature:

    • Some functionalities use the function_call feature, which might not be supported by some third-party large language models.

Command 'aide.xxxx' Not Found ​

Problem Description: When using Aide functionality, it prompts Command 'aide.xxxx' not found.


  1. Check if your VSCode version is greater than v1.82.0:

    • Aide requires VSCode version greater than v1.82.0.
  2. Check if Aide is installed correctly and is the latest version:

    • Open the extension sidebar in VSCode, search for Aide, and ensure the latest version is installed.
  3. If the above methods do not work:

    • Try restarting VSCode.
    • If the issue persists, try reinstalling Aide.

Code Convert Doesn't Open Language Selection Box, Always Uses Previous Settings ​

Problem Description: When using the Code Convert feature for the first time, the language was set to convert from C to C++. On subsequent attempts to convert C files, it defaults to C++. The language selection box does not appear, preventing new conversion settings.


  1. Disable Memory Function: In the current project's .vscode/settings.json, set aide.autoRememberConvertLanguagePairs to false.
  2. Clear Existing Convert Mapping Memory: Remove the aide.convertLanguagePairs configuration from .vscode/settings.json in the current project.
  3. Ensure Correct Settings: VSCode has both global and project-level settings.json files. Memory is saved in the project-level configuration by default. Check the .vscode/settings.json file in the project folder carefully.

For more details, see GitHub Issue #92.

Smart Paste Shows Clipboard Empty When Pasting Images ​

Problem Description: When using the Smart Paste feature, it prompts Clipboard is empty.


  1. Open VSCode Settings
  2. Enable Clipboard Image Reading: Search for and enable aide.readClipboardImage in the settings.
  3. Other Errors Occur: If other errors appear after enabling, it means your AI model doesn't support reading images, so you can disable it.

No tools_call in message Error ​

Problem Description: When using certain features of Aide, the error No tools_call in message is prompted.


  1. Check if the AI model supports the function_call feature:

    • Inquire with the AI model provider whether the function_call feature is supported.
    • Choose an AI model that supports the function_call feature.
  2. Switch to an AI model that supports the function_call feature:

    • For international models, consider the OpenAI gpt-4o model.
    • For Chinese models, consider the deepseek deepseek-coder model.

Consider Supporting Other IDEs ​

Problem Description: Will Aide consider supporting other IDEs, such as JetBrains and Visual Studio?


  1. Limited Support for Visual Studio: Due to limited resources, Visual Studio may never be supported.

  2. Possibility of JetBrains Support: There is strong community demand for JetBrains support, but this requires someone skilled in Kotlin, as JetBrains plugins are developed in Kotlin. Currently, I lack the necessary skills to implement this. I may consider learning Kotlin and using AI to assist in migrating to JetBrains after Aide's main features are complete.

  3. Community Contributions Welcome: If you have the ability to develop a JetBrains version, contributions are welcome. Please reach out via GitHub if interested.

Released under the MIT License.