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Zhipu ​

This guide introduces how to configure and use the Zhipu model in Aide.

You can find more detailed information in the Zhipu Official Reference Documentation.

API Base URL Configuration ​

You need to configure aide.openaiBaseUrl to

API Key Configuration ​

You need to configure aide.openaiKey as your Zhipu API Key.

Model Configuration ​

You need to configure aide.openaiModel to the Zhipu model. We recommend using the glm-4 model. For more models, please refer to the official reference documentation mentioned above.

Example Configuration File ​

Below is a complete configuration example:

  "aide.openaiBaseUrl": "",
  "aide.openaiKey": "your-zhipu-api-key",
  "aide.openaiModel": "glm-4"

Make sure to replace "your-zhipu-api-key" with your actual API Key.

Released under the MIT License.