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OpenAI ​

OpenAI provides a variety of advanced AI models that can be applied to various natural language processing tasks.

This guide introduces how to configure and use the OpenAI model in Aide.

You can find more detailed information in the OpenAI official documentation.

API Base URL Configuration ​

You need to configure aide.openaiBaseUrl to

API Key Configuration ​

You need to configure aide.openaiKey as your OpenAI API Key. You can create a key on the OpenAI official website


Obtaining an OpenAI key requires binding a foreign credit card, and any model usage comes with a fee. If you are unable to obtain one, we recommend using other large language models or third-party proxies.

Model Configuration ​

You need to configure aide.openaiModel to the OpenAI model. We recommend using the gpt-4o model. For more models, please refer to the OpenAI Supported Models List.

Example Configuration File ​

Below is a complete configuration example:

  "aide.openaiBaseUrl": "",
  "aide.openaiKey": "your-openai-api-key",
  "aide.openaiModel": "gpt-4o"

Make sure to replace "your-openai-api-key" with your actual API Key.

Released under the MIT License.